2023: Year in Review

Happy 2024! A new year is the perfect time to reflect on the changes since last year. So in case you missed them, here are some of the new features we added to Vellum in 2023:

Store Links with Amazon Attribution

To start the year, we added support for Amazon Attributions, a new system for rich analytics from Amazon. Because they’re integrated with Vellum’s Store Links, these links are only included in your Kindle edition, and will automatically direct a reader to the correct Amazon storefront for their country.

New Find Bar

Vellum 3.5 introduced an all-new Find Bar that’s easier to use and smarter about finding words with apostrophes, quotes, or ellipses. Looking for Text Features like Images or Ornamental Breaks — or just where you’ve used italics? You can locate them with Find Special.

Expanded Startup Window

Vellum 3.5 also included a revamped Startup Window that lists up to 100 of your most recent files. Have a file that you always return to? Pin it to the top by making it a Favorite. Accidentally move files to the Trash? The Startup Window will warn you.

Reusable Elements

Last but not least, Vellum 3.6 introduced the powerful Reuse Elements feature. Reuse elements to quickly add back matter to a new book, build a box set, or create a teaser. When you make changes to the source, you can update reused elements with a click.

Also in 2023

In addition to these major features, we also made these improvements:

  • New Generation Settings include the option to append date to filenames
  • When typing, Undo now changes whole words (rather than single letters)
  • The Text Editor can use a light background when in Dark Mode
  • Exported Word files are tailored for Import
  • An Inline Image can be marked as ebook-only or print-only
  • You can control clarified scene breaks at the top/bottom of the page

More to Come!

All of these features were released in 2023 as free updates. You can make sure you have access to them using Check for Updates. (Current versions of Vellum require macOS Big Sur or newer.)

We have more to come in 2024. As always, the features we add are inspired by your feedback, so if you have an idea for something that will make it even easier to create beautiful books, let us know!